The United
States of America has adopted a double faced
policy on the Malala Yousafzay and Afia Siddiqi. When Malala Yousafzay was
attacked in swat, all the social society of the world, and the media,
especially the western yellow press and media have given an extraordinary
attention to it. The US,
narrow minded, female senators has given a statement in this direction that all
the terrorism should be nibbed from the bud. They also stated in their
statement that the attack on Malala Yousafzay is the violation of the human
rights. But, at the same time, they forget it that there is another prisoner in
their country, named Afia Siddiqui. If they draw upon their memory, they will
be able to know the real facts about her innocent imprisonment, in their
country. She is innocently kept in
prison for the last few years, even thought, the crime on her also not
verified. And no proper evidence has been presented against her in the court of
Now a few questions arises that, are justified in their
1. Where were they gone, when the court issued life
imprisonment against her?
2. Why have they not demanded for her rights?
3. Are the levels of human rights violations are not applying
on Afia Siddiqui?
It shows clearly shows two important points about the US system.
The first one is that courts in US are not free to work as
it is, all in all, in Pakistan.
The court in the US
has clearly followed suit and acted on the instructions of the CIA.
The second point that this decision shows is that the US government
has adopted a double face policy against the Muslim world. It also shows that
the US
senators, especially those, who have demanded that the criminals elements of
Malala Yousafzay should be bring into account. But here these female senators once
again forget that Afia Siddiqui is also innocent, and those who brought her
into their country, should also bear the brunt of justice. And a stern action
should be taken against them, and all the black sheep in CIA and in the US
army should be dismissed.
We are, not against Malala Yousafzai, trying to bring home
this point in the minds of those responsible authorities that when Malala
Yousafzai is innocent then the same level also applies on Afia Siddiqui. When
the attack on Malala Yousafzay is the critical violation of human rights, then
keeping an innocent woman, for several years, in prison is also the critical
violation of human rights. When Malala Yousafzay has clean hands then Afia
Siddiqui also has clean hands. The US female senators should not bury
their heads in the sand and should face the facts. I think that they are
misguided, and they have blindly followed the western media. The attitude of the US female senators is not based on
the justice, and out of keeping with the justice. They should also hold brief
for Afia Siddiqui. It is a golden opportunity for them and we advised them that
if they want to hold up their head, they should also support the cause of Afia
Siddiui, and should recommend a resolution in the senate in the favor of Afia
Siddiqui, because now she is at the mercy of them. And what they want, they can
do with her, as they have done it. Because in spite of lack of evidence they
have kept her in charge.
It is in the air, not only in Pakistan
but, all over the world that USA
has always proved to be a snake in the gross, and a clear enemy of Muslims countries,
because they have always adopted double faced policy with the Muslim countries.
But now it is an opportunity for them, and they should try their best on the
spur of the moment, and also raise their voices in the US senate in
favor of Afia Siddiqui. The US
government should immediately wind up their double game policy against the
Muslim world, especially Pakistan.
They should play a fair play with Pakistan, and should set a good
example for their next generation. When
they finish such activities a soft corner will be created about the US government. And
every one will back up them. And if they continue to stick to their guns, then
they will be always in bad books, not only of Pakistani peoples but of all over
the world.