Peachtree is a very good option for small and medium size
business. It is very simple and easy to use. But if you are new to this
software and have not used it before, don’t worry, we are here to make it easy
for you. You can find step by step methods of its usage. You just need to setup
a vendor for everyone that you will write a check to. But remember it that you
can also setup vendors when you are writing checks or entering invoices. Please
follow the easy to use step by step method of Peachtree software, for Vendor
Set Up. These are given in the lines bellow.
- First of all go to Under Maintain, and open Vendors.
- Then assign the Vendor an ID.
- Next enter the full name in the Name Field.
- Next you need to enter the General Information as you determine necessary.
- Now under the Purchase Default tab enter the Expense Account Number associated with that vendor in the Purchase Acct field. An example, if the Vendor was Bell of PA then the Purchase acct would be telephone.
- Fill in any other fields necessary for your company.
- After filling in all the necessary fields you need to Click Save.
- If you are done entering vendors, click Close.
- If you need to continue entering vendors, repeat steps 3 through 7.