Before the election general election of 2008, there were many slogan of ANP, a nationalist political party, but the establishment of university in Mardan was also one of them. As the ANP become the major political party in the provincial assembly in 2008, and Amir Haider Hoti become the chief minister of Khyber pakhtoonkhwa, he announced the establishment of university for the peoples of Mardan, as it was the dream of the residents of Mardan and the surrounding areas. Therefore, Abdul wali khan university Mardan was established in 2009.
As the university came into being, Mr. Dr Ihsan Ali, who was also providing services as vice Chancellor in Hazara University , became the first vice chancellor of this university. Although, he has worked hard for the development of this university and all the credit goes to him for its quick development.
As a university came into being, it requires management, faculty, and other clerical staff to handle the newly born university professionally. But it is very sorry to say and it is crystal clear that this university lack of this facility. There are two main reasons for this lack of facility.
- The first one is ANP, and
- The second one is its Vice Chancellor Mr. Ihsan Ali.
It is believed that nearly 90% of its staff, in all categories including administration staff, faculty staff and clerical staff from BPS 1 to BPS 19, has been hired on the basis of political influence of ANP, a nationalist party of KPK. If one throw a bird eye view on the list of these hired staff, it can easily be understood that it consist of ANP workers. And most of them have no knowledge of the ABC of the university. If one look at the advertisement of these posts it can be seen their that experience is must for all these posts. They collect a large number of pools of funds from a very large number of candidates who are in the search of employment. After submitting applications, the university doesn’t send any call letter for test/interview. Most of the short listing is on the basis of favoritism and open bargaining. If some is fortunately short listed for test, and if he have no links with any political party like ANP and PPPP then he will not be called for interview, even though if he has passed the test. I would also like to throw light on the test process of this university. The test system of Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan (also known as AWKUM) is very poor. If we compare the testing system of AWKUM and the University of SWAT , we will reach to the results that Swat University has a very fair testing system. Most of their tests are arranged through National Testing Service (NTS).
The second reason for nepotism and favoritism in this university, as I have mentioned in the above lines, is its corrupt and political vice chancellor, Dr. Ihsan Ali. It is also very clear that Vice Chancellor, Dr. Ihsan Ali, has proved to be the most corrupt person in this regard. It will not be wrong if say that the vice chancellor of this university has proved a black sheep of this university. He has distributed a large number of posts ranging from BPS 5 to BPS 19 among their relatives. If some one visit the university he will find it that most of its staff member belongs to Mr. Ihsan Ali brotherhood. Similarly other top level officer has entered their relatives like brothers, sisters, nephews and the like more.
In short if we say that merit has always been destroyed in Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan (AWKUM), it will not be wrong. If some one doesn’t believe on this article and not agree with me, I suggest them to apply for any post, in this university, and then told me that what happened with him or them. As I have remained the student of Management science MBA (Finance) in this university for two years, therefore, I have the experience of such things in this university. In the department of management science most unprofessional staff has been hired as faculty members. Most of them have recently completed their education and as they belong to major political parties of KPK, therefore, top level grades, like BPS 18 and 19, has been given to them. I have personally met with such staff members in the office of controller of examination, and found them of having no basic skill of computer. They have no idea that how to use computer, how to work with it, and the like more.
Conclusion: I would like to give an end to my article with a few sentences that if Abdul Wali Khan University , Mardan remained in the hand of Ihsan Ali, as vice chancellor, soon or latter, it will reach to its end. And the people of Mardan will, of course, be deprived of this valuable educational institute. And only and only the Vice chancellor and the Govt of ANP will be responsible for it.
We, therefore, kindly request to the Chief Minister of KPK, Mr. Amir Haider Hoti, to remove the vice chancellor of this university on immediate basis and save the university from further destruction. If he remained on this post for more a year or two, then will find here only the staff of members of ANP, PPPP and the relatives of Ihsan Ali.