As it is crystal clear that, by the end of 2013, the US and
its NATO alloys have made countless illegal attacks and cruelties’ against
various Muslims countries. They have killed countless innocent peoples
including children, women, elders and older.
They have also looted the wealth, containing oil and gas
reserves in Middle East countries like Iraq, Qatar, and the like more, and
uranium, gold and other precious stones from Afghanistan and other invaded
Muslims countries. The list of these barbarisms, of US and NATO forces, is not
ending here; it goes to be very lengthy. Numerous peoples have lost their lives
due to carpet bombardment of these invaded forces. The main aim of the US, to
attack Afghanistan, is to control China and Pakistan, from further economic and
other developments, as China is going to be the super power, in the near
Although, it is a hard nut to crack, to rebuild and regain
the damaged positive side of the US and the NATO forces to the Muslim Umma, but
the US and the NATO forces still have the chances to solve these problems through
dialogs and mutual understandings. They have to show practically that we are
sincere with the Muslim Umma, and that we apologize for what we don in the
But one day you must be called to account for these actions
of cruelties. Therefore, it will be more suitable that, before any Muslim woke
up, the US and its alloys and especially their media should change their
attitude towards the Muslims, recall all the army from all the Muslims
countries and apologies for all these illegal actions. Still they have the time
to do so; bring peace and prosperity in the world, and make this world as
paradise for its residents.
Let us play a big role for bringing peace, prosperity, love,
unity and other good moral characters. And try to be united for the good will of
this world, let us eradicate all those gross snakes & black sheep’s; either
it is among Muslims or Non-Muslims, who are not in favor of unity, peace,
prosperity. Let us try to make this world, once again, a sample of paradise,
and let us show to the world that neither Muslims are terrorist nor non-Muslims
are terrorists. But terrorist are those who have no religion, no sense, no
feelings, no parents, no children, no wives, and have no relatives. No religion
of the world allowed their followers to kill an innocent person; either it is
Muslim or Non-Muslim. Together, we can bring change.