Stealth flying machines-- but flying through water! They use the principal of "supercavitation" to reduce the friction while flying through water. Supercavitation involoves creating a bubble of gas inside a liquid that is large enough to surround an object traveliing thorugh it. As the object travels in water enclosed in the gas bubble, the friction is reduced to minimum, thereby allowing it to attain very high speeds. Supercavitation has been used in high speed torpedoes in the past but now Juliet Marine Systems (JMS) in New Hampshire , USA , have applied it to the world's first supercavitating watercraft. The flying watercraft is being developed for the US navy as a super-fast stealth system that can approach enemy ships undetected by their radar. The watercraft is fited with the latest stealth technologies and since it is traveling in water surrounded by giant bubble, it experiences 900 fold less friction. Ideal for transporting soldiers to enemy beaches or carring thousands of pounds of weapons and toredoes to enemy teritories, the "flying machine" is considered as an important element in next generation warfare equipment.