How to sing up for infolinks

Most peoples have created their websites and blogs and even they regularly updating it but they don not know that there is money in website or creating and then updating. Many people are not aware about this fact and as a result they missing this chance of earning money from their website and blogs.
There many peoples that want to earn money from their blogs and they will also aware about adsens but they will no idea about the infolinks that it is also a method and a source of earning money at home. Many people will also aware about infolinks but they will not know about that how to sing up for infolinks. There fore I felt that to give some idea to those who do not know that how to register with infolinks. In this post I will focus on the method or steps for registration with infolinks. Registration with infolinks is very simple and easy way, there few simple steps that when followed you will be in the position to sign up for infolinks. These are very simple and easily understandable. Those who want to sing up with infolinks and follow simple step by step process can register with infolinks. These are given below,
First of all you will need to visit the infolinks website.
When you visit it you will see their to join us now as publisher or advertiser. Now it depends upon you if you want to advertise your products you will need to sing up as advertiser and if you want to publish ads of infolinks on your website or blog you will need to sign up as publisher.
As you click on the sing up a form will open in front of you and you will need to fill it out completely and correctly, because any error in your name will latter on create problems in case of payment to you. Similarly any error in case of your website will also create some problems, although it can be changed latter on also.
  • In this form you will need to give the correct URL address of your webpage, and also to give the correct address of your self too.
  • As you fill out and click on the register you will be given a code and you will need to copy and past this code in to the HTML portion of your webpage.
If you are using blogger as your webpage you will need to click on the tag given below for blogger, and if you are using wordpress or joomla or drupal account you will need to download the plug in for it. The down load option is also given and available there.
  • As you apply for this account you will be send a message for the approval of your account with in three or four business days.
  • As you copy and past the code your account will be activated and you will see the ads of infolinks on your webpage.
  • As the people click on these ads you will be paid on the basis to pay per click just like Google adsense.

Nadeem Khan Khattak

The writer is an international journalist, commentator and has vast experience in the international Politics & Finance. He is providing the most recent information, and reasonable discussions with proofs. If any readers want to contact him or ask a question, you can reach him by writing in the comment section.

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