There are numerous Ahadith (sayings, deeds or approvals of the Holy Prophet of Islam, peace be upon him) on the subject of Riba. The Ahadith containing the directives of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, have been narrated by authorities including Imam Malik, Bukhari, Abu Daud, Tirmizi, Nasai, Musnad Ahmad, Ibn Maja, Ahmad bin Hambal, Dar qutni, Kitab Al Buyua their collections of Ahadith. Some of the Ahadith on the subject are:
1- From Jabir: The prophet, peace be upon him, cursed the receiver and the payer of Riba, the one who records it and the two witnesses to the transaction and said: "They are all alike (in guilt)". (Tirmizi)
2- From Abu Hurayrth: The prophet peace be upon him, said: " On the night of Ascension i came upon people whose stomachs were like housses with snakes visible from the outside. I asked Gabriel who they were. He replied that they were people who had received Riba." (Abu Daud)
3- From Abu Hurayrah: The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "There will certainly come a time for mankind when everyone will take Riba and if he does not do so, its dust will reach him." (Abu Daud)
4- From Abu Hurayrah: The prophet, peace be upon him, said: "Allah would be justified in not allowing four persons to enter paradise or to tast its blessings: he who drinks habitually, he who takes Riba, he who usurps an orphan,s property without right, and he who is undutiful to his parents." (Kitab al Buyua).
5- From Ibn Masud: The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "Even when Riba is much, it is bound to end up in to paltriness."9Musnad Ahmad).
6- From Anas Ibn Malik: The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "when one of you grants a loan and the borrower offers him a dish, he should not accept it; and if the borrower offers a ride on an animal, he should not ride, unless the two of them have been previously accustomed to exchanging such favors mutually."(Kitab al Buyua).
7- In his last sermon during the pilgrimage, the Holy prophet, peace be upon him, in the presence of about one hundred thousand reverend companions declared:
"Every form of Riba is canceled." (Musnad Ahmed)
It is, therefore, clear, that interest, Riba and usury, in all forms and intent are strictly prohibited, as per teachings given herein above.
1- From Jabir: The prophet, peace be upon him, cursed the receiver and the payer of Riba, the one who records it and the two witnesses to the transaction and said: "They are all alike (in guilt)". (Tirmizi)
2- From Abu Hurayrth: The prophet peace be upon him, said: " On the night of Ascension i came upon people whose stomachs were like housses with snakes visible from the outside. I asked Gabriel who they were. He replied that they were people who had received Riba." (Abu Daud)
3- From Abu Hurayrah: The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "There will certainly come a time for mankind when everyone will take Riba and if he does not do so, its dust will reach him." (Abu Daud)
4- From Abu Hurayrah: The prophet, peace be upon him, said: "Allah would be justified in not allowing four persons to enter paradise or to tast its blessings: he who drinks habitually, he who takes Riba, he who usurps an orphan,s property without right, and he who is undutiful to his parents." (Kitab al Buyua).
5- From Ibn Masud: The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "Even when Riba is much, it is bound to end up in to paltriness."9Musnad Ahmad).
6- From Anas Ibn Malik: The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "when one of you grants a loan and the borrower offers him a dish, he should not accept it; and if the borrower offers a ride on an animal, he should not ride, unless the two of them have been previously accustomed to exchanging such favors mutually."(Kitab al Buyua).
7- In his last sermon during the pilgrimage, the Holy prophet, peace be upon him, in the presence of about one hundred thousand reverend companions declared:
"Every form of Riba is canceled." (Musnad Ahmed)
It is, therefore, clear, that interest, Riba and usury, in all forms and intent are strictly prohibited, as per teachings given herein above.