“Mudarabah” is a special kind of partnership where one partner gives money to another for investing it in a commercial enterprise. The investment comes from the first partner who is called “Rabb-ul-Mal”, while the management and work is an exclusive responsibility of the other, who is called “Mudaraib”.
The difference between Musharakah and Mudarabah can be summarized in the following points that are given below,
1- The investment in Musharakah comes from all the partners, while in Mudarabah; the investment is the sole responsibility of Rabb-ul-Mal.
2- In Musharakah, all the partners can participate in the management of the business and can work for it, while in Mudarabah; the Rabbul-ul-Mal has no right to participate in the management which is carried out by the Mudarib only.
3- In Musharakah, all the partners share the loss to the extent of the ratio of their investment, while in Mudarabah the loss, if any, is suffered by the Rabbul-ul-Mal only, because the Mudarib does not invest anything. His loss is restricted to the fact that his labor has gone in vain and his work has not brought any fruit to him. How ever, this principle is subject to a condition that the Mudarib has worked with due diligence which is normally required for the business of that type. If he has worked with negligence or has committed dishonestly, he shall be liable for the loss caused by his negligence or misconduct.
4- The liability of the partners in Musharakah is normally unlimited. Therefore, if the liabilities of the business exceed its assets and the business goes in liquidation, all the exceeding liabilities shall be born pro rata by all the partners. However, if all the partners have agreed that no partner shall incur any debt during the course of business, then the exceeding liabilities shall be borne by that partner alone who has incurred a debt on the business in violation of the aforesaid condition. Contrary to this is the case of Mudarabah. Here the liability of Rabbul-ul-Mal is limited to his investment, unless ha has permitted the Mudarib to incur debts on his behalf.
5- In Musharakah, as soon as the partners mix up their capital in a joint pool, all the assets of the Musharakah becomes jointly owned by all of them according to the proportion of their respective investment. Therefore, each of them can benefit from the appreciation in the value of the assets, even if profit has not accrued through sales.
The case of Mudarabah is different. Here if we look that all the goods purchased by the Mudarib are solely owned by the Rabbul-ul-Mal and the Mudarib can earn his share in the profit only in case he sells the goods profitably. Therefore, he is not entitled to claim his share in the assets themselves, even if their value has increased.