How to make money from blogging

A step by step guide towards making money from blogging

A large number of peoples, especially my constant visitors have been asked the question, from me that,” how do you make money from blogging?” There is an awful lot of misinformation about blogging and the problem is that the failures outweigh the successes by about a million to one, so for every successful blogger, there are a large number of people telling you that you cannot make money blogging. What they really mean is they cannot make money from blogging.

But if we look at the other problem which is that a sufficient number of the people who make money from their blogging do it by selling crappy advice to the other peoples. I am not going to do that, and there fore I am not selling any thing, although if you act on my advice and sign up for the services that I am using, I will make a couple of dollars in commissions. But I want that a sufficient number of people act upon on my advice and I will be set for life. But this Is not my purpose of writing this column about blogging. I am just writing for the peoples to take some advantages from my experience, and they also make some money from it.

I would never want to be part of them. But let’s go back to the question that most people are asking from me, and also from others as well, and searching this question also on the search engines - “Can I make money from blogging? And if yes – how?” this is the mostly asked question, that visitors have asked from me several time on commenting on my posts.

To this question, my answer is always yes. As I am a professional blogger and blogging for several years. I do it with a combination of freelance writing, several niche blogs, and article writing. If you are considering blogging for business, you will be requires you to have already developed a reputation in a particular industry, and being able to demonstrate the necessary skills to make it work. This includes generating traffic, building relationships and incoming links and actually being a successful blogger.

The main purpose of this article is that I am going to show you the steps needed to create your own money making blogs. In case of blogging the chances are that you, like me, are going to fail in some instances and be successful in others. This will probably mean more than one domain and/or niche. Some of the steps are given below,

Step # 1: Choose a niche and domain name:

This is the first step. I have a blog that is , how I will start making money from it?” Forget that – you need to identify a niche or subject that could potentially be a profitable one, choose a domain name based on the research you have done, buy it, host it and set up the blog. If you peoples thing that buying a domain and hosting it means nothing to you – we will get to that, host your blog on blogger or wordpress.

Researching a potential money making niche or subject.

This is where the work begins. I can promise you from personal experience, that if you are setting up a blog with the sole intention of making money, you need to find a profitable niche. As an example, let us say you have done some research, and settled on jobs as a potentially profitable niche and decided to make money from your blog by providing information about jobs. A possible term that some one might use to search for a job would be “vneedjobs,” so an appropriate domain name would be The other things to take into consideration are the amount of people searching for a particular term, the amount of money advertisers are paying to advertise using that particular phrase, and how competitive that term is.

As, this subject is very huge, and I would never want to go into great detail, because there are other people specializing in this area, and some of which are excellent. As far as I am concerned, this is the most technically demanding part of making money with a blog, and I personally hate doing it, but, it is a necessary step in the process. This is my first recommendation, and you will need to do it must if you are interested in making money from your blog.

To learn how to do effective keyword research, go download this piece of free software - Market Samurai

Step # 2: Buying a domain name (your website) and hosting it

Let’s stick with We have decided that this would be a good name for providing information about jobs. Whether we are going to actually sell our own product, use Google advertising, sell affiliate products or sell banner ads really makes no difference here. Go to Bluehost or Host Gator and use their search facility to see if that name is available by clicking on the button that says “start domain search” and filling in the word “vneedjobs,” and seeing if it is available. If it is, you will need to open an account, and buy both the domain and hosting from them. I prefer their unlimited hosting packages, but of you are on a tight budget, get whichever is affordable for you.

Step # 3: Setting up your blog and installing it

This is one of the reasons why I like both Bluehost and Host Gator. For completing the step number three you will need to make a call to their customer service department, tell them you want to install a WordPress blog and ask them to talk you through the process, which they will do. In a few minutes, you will be the owner of your own WordPress blog set up and ready to storm the blogosphere with. But cautions should be made if you have chosen a different hosting company, and there fore make sure they have one click installations for WordPress.

There are some other platforms also, but I recommend the blogger and WordPress and would not use anything else. Next part is to optimize your WordPress installation, and the easiest, most time effective way of doing so is to go to Semiologic, buy their software and ask them to install it for you. The first issue for the first time to blogger is thaaat massive amount of options available to you. There fore I recommend the Semiologic, because it will take care of most of these, all within one piece of software.

In fact I also have wasted many hours for trying to find the perfect look and/or position for one stupid little piece of text or ad placement. With this software – the instructions are simple, easy to follow and they have a pretty good customer service response. So, once you have one blog that is working well for you – you can buy another domain and clone that one in a few minutes with all the ads in place.

As I have already told that it is one of the best software for setting up a static website rather than a blog. It gets found by the search engines, is very flexible and inexpensive. Once you have it, you can use it on as many websites as you wish and update it with one click as the software evolves.

Buy semiologic wordpress setup here

In the present time you have a domain name, software installed and ready to go, and are looking at the metaphorical blank piece of paper that is in your blog – the post editing page.

Step Four- writing something

The next part will, depend on your writing abilities. You will need to go back to Market samurai and do some research on search terms surrounding your chosen domain name and start writing. Depending on your writing skills – you will also need to farm this out, buy content and edit to suit your requirements.

For your blog you will need some content that should be well researched, informative and suitable. So yes, you will need to do some more work here. Assuming you have followed the first three steps, you now have a well-researched domain name, search engine optimized software and good quality content. The keywords you have determined you are going to use will need to go in the content of the article, the tags on the post, and be used as anchor text to create incoming links. If you do not know what a tag or anchor text is – don’t worry – you will do by the time you have set up a blog and started. Now the next and perhaps the most crucial step:

Step # 5: promoting your site

Step five requires work or money or both. As I have told several times, in this article, that if you write informatively, it will automatically get found and picked up by the search engines, but this is not always true. I have written some of the best content I have ever written has never been read because of my little research work on the subject properly or discovered later that the subject was so competitive I could never rank well for it.

Think of the search engines as an “online popularity contest and you will be thinking correctly. And the way many of them measure it is incoming links from other web sites. So – you need to get out there and find some incoming links. If your content is good, some of these will grow “organically,” but by far your best approach is to make some of that happen. I use a couple of pieces of software for some basic link building, but I also manually generate links as well. So – you need to go pay these people for incoming links. Because no incoming links means no winning the popularity contest which means no money….. Link building is very important to make your blog or website popular.

Nadeem Khan Khattak

The writer is an international journalist, commentator and has vast experience in the international Politics & Finance. He is providing the most recent information, and reasonable discussions with proofs. If any readers want to contact him or ask a question, you can reach him by writing in the comment section.

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