Law of contract:

The law relating to contracts in Pakistan is contained in the contract act, 1872. it extends to the whole of Pakistan and came in to force on the 1st day of September, 1872. It deals with:
1 general principle governing all types of contracts (sec. 1-75).
2 contracts of indemnity, guarantee, bailment, pledge, and agency (sec. 124-238).
Initially, sections 76-123 and sections 239-266 relating to sale of goods and partnership were contained in the contract act in the contract act but were subsequently repealed and a separate sale of goods act, 1930 and a partnership act, 1932 came into force.
Nadeem Khan Khattak

The writer is an international journalist, commentator and has vast experience in the international Politics & Finance. He is providing the most recent information, and reasonable discussions with proofs. If any readers want to contact him or ask a question, you can reach him by writing in the comment section.

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